Concerned About Your Kids Being Able To Handle "Real-Life"?
"Here's How We Help Kids Create The Safe And Successful Life They Deserve!
Without Always Needing To Be There To Protect Them!"
(Winning Strategies For Kids To Be More Confident In Everyday Situations)

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From the Desk of: Richard Ouellette
Re: Winning Strategies For Children's Confidence

Does this sound like you?

You're a Concerned Parent who dreams of becoming a Proud Parent.

Currently, you're focused on your kid's safety and their growth and development, right?

So, let me ask you a question...

Would you be ecstatic if your kids were more confident in everyday situations; stronger, more coordinated and have self-defense skills; and for them to be grateful for what they have (especially their parents)?

Because if you could have those things, ultimately, that would mean you could keep your kids safe from harm and for them to live happy, successful, fulfilling lives! (Which would be amazing!)

Unfortunately, I get the sense there are some roadblocks for you, including figuring out how to get your kids to:
* Experience situations that develop strength of character and make them mentally tougher;
* Build their physical and self-defense skills; and
* Learn to be more grateful.

Sound familiar?

Another thing...

Are you also really frustrated by the fact that it's hard NOT to do everything for your kids. Unintentionally making them more fearful, fragile and unprepared for the real world. It's also hard NOT to overprotect them so they never get hurt. Accidentally creating a bubble that makes them weaker and more vulnerable. Finally it's hard to get them interested in activities that build skills and character. Rather than play mindless video games.

Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?:
* How can I learn to let go, and for my kids learn to believe in themself and their abilities?
* How can they build their physical and self-protection skills, without getting hurt?
* How can they be happy AND learn to appreciate what I do for them?

One last question...

Do you ever find yourself thinking "My kids were born more sensitive, so they get emotionally upset quicker and are more fearful in unfamiliar situations"... or "they weren't born super athletic so they're a bit weaker and more vulnerable"... or "they're unmotivated and don't get off their video games long enough to try anything new"?

I see it in many children!

And finally, to make matters even worse, sometimes (no matter what you do) it just plain feels like a harsh and uncaring world gets in the way of your kid's safety, and their growth and development.

Let me tell you, I know exactly how you feel because I've seen it myself... more than once!

When all is said and done, my guess is you really just want:
* For your kids to be resilient and face difficult situations with unstoppable confidence, so they succeed in the world.
* For them to be healthy, strong, and capable of defending themselves in any situation, yet smart enough to know when to use it.
* And for them to be happy, grateful, and live fulfilling lives.


If this sounds at all like you and your situation, then I'd like to invite you to check out...

The “Self-Defense Success System”
Online Training Membership

The "Self-Defense Success System" online training membership makes it easy to empower your kids to have safe and successful lives without always needing to be there to protect them.

You’re going to LOVE this! Here’s just a taste of what you get with Self-Defense Success System:
  • ​The real secret to success with your kid's safety every concerned parent needs.
  • ​Everything you need to accelerate their growth and development in one place.
  • ​How your kids can be more confident in everyday situations and so much more.
  • ​Exactly what you need for them to become stronger, more coordinated and have self-defense skills.
  • ​The absolute best way to for them to be grateful for what they have (especially their parents) every underappreciated parent needs.
  • ​Makes it step-by-step simple for you to keep your kids safe from harm.
  • ​Makes it possible to for them to live happy, successful, fulfilling lives no matter what their previous experiences.
  • ​Allow you to stop the instinct of always needing to be there to protect them and allows them to get results.
  • ​The secret to allowing your kids to experience situations that develop strength of character and make them mentally tougher every time.
  • ​Teaches them to build their physical and self-defense skills so their healthy and safe.
  • ​Promotes them learning to be more grateful, even if they never seem to show it now.
  • ​Answers the question "How can I learn to let go, and for my kids learn to believe in themself and their abilities?" once and for all.

"At Last, The Secrets For Your Kids To Be Resilient And Face Difficult Situations With Unstoppable Confidence, So They Succeed In The Real World."

  • ​Gives you real world insight into answering the question "How can your kids build their physical and self-protection skills without getting hurt?"
  • Discover how to empower your kids to have safe and successful lives no matter what their past experiences may be.
  • ​​Get past the idea that it's hard NOT to do everything for your kids, unintentionally making them more fearful, fragile and unprepared for the real world once and for all.
  • ​​Eliminate the notion that it's hard NOT to overprotect them so they never get hurt, accidentally creating a bubble that makes them weaker and more vulnerable from your mind.
  • ​​Smash through the objection that it's hard to get them interested in activities that build skills and character, rather than play mindless video games permanently.
  • ​​Gives the keys to build their confidence without the headaches.
  • ​​The shortcut they need to become healthier and develop strong physical and self-protection skills faster than ever.
  • ​​STOP worrying about them become happier and more grateful once and for all.
  • ​​The foolproof way for your kids to be resilient and face difficult situations with unstoppable confidence, so they succeed in a harsh and uncaring world.
  • ​​Unlock the secrets to your kids becoming healthy, strong, and capable of defending themselves in any situation, yet smart enough to know when to use it.
  • ​​Find out how easy it is for them to be happy, grateful, and live fulfilling lives faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.
Now, that’s a tall promise, and at this point you might be asking...

Who Is Richard Ouellette And Why Should I Listen To Him?

Sensei Richard Ouellette

Master Instructor & Original Budo Hero

Richard Ouellette is the founder of Inner Hero Martial Arts & Fitness and the Budo Hero movement.

He started his transformational journey as an award-winning corporate leader and martial arts competitor. Receiving mentoring from some of the best martial arts and success coaches in the world. Becoming a certified Rapid Results Business Coach and achieving the rank of Master Instructor (7th Degree Black Belt).

After a rocky transition from the high-tech world that left him needing to build a profitable business quickly, he transformed his passion of coaching into a powerful movement.

Through his coaching and training programs, Richard has inspired, empowered and forged thousands of students to become Unstoppable (Budo Heroes). So they too can create the safe and successful life they deserve!

Origin Story

A tale of two journeys...

The Backstory
I started out shy, living in a harsh environment that had only two seasons. Winter and July. :)

I had a very loving family, but we didn't have a lot of money. So, we all worked very hard to get ahead.

I struggled in school. In fact, I made 54 spelling mistakes on a test one day and the teacher asked me “if I was stupid or mentally retarded". How many of us have been put down by authority figures, killing our confidence?

After that the bullies showed up. Tormenting me almost daily about our living conditions.

I wanted to bullying to stop so I studied computers to make money and karate to get tougher. Deep down inside though, I never again wanted to feel ashamed by my living conditions.

The Journey
I worked very hard for years and got very good at computer programming. Though as hard as I worked, I wasn’t moving forward, and my peers were passing me by.

The old success formula wasn't working. Go to school, get a good degree, that leads to a good job, and then you were set for life. It wouldn’t ensure success or provide me with the success skills of the wealthy. The reality is that the Education System and Big Corporations focus on their profits, not on our quality of life.

I was frustrated with my inability to give my family the better life I wanted for them. Worse I started thinking; what if my kids had to though the shame I did as a kid?

On the positive side karate taught me some self-defense skills and made me tougher. This improved my confidence in myself and my abilities.

The New Opportunity
I got a new boss who was very successful as an elite athlete and now in his career. He had achieved all his goals from applying Tony Robbins success strategies. So, I bought the same program and within six months I got a promotion.

The most valuable part of the program though was a workshop to discover what made us successful in the past. To repeat the formula and produce even more success in the future.

I then discovered that everyone successful I knew had two things in common. First, they followed the success strategies received from coaching and personal development programs. Second, they built confidence through martial arts or similar activities.

That's when I decided to start my journey to create Success Coaching Martial Arts.

The Framework
I went on a mission to work with as many world-class mentors as I could find. I bought every book, self-help program, and went to every seminar. Often working one-on-one with some of the top success and martial arts coaches in the world.

I recruited my brother, and we built a framework of all the strategies that worked for us. To build confidence, achieve our goals and defend ourselves.

I applied the framework on myself and started seeing even better results. I got a promotion and a raise at work. I won two gold and two silver medals at our national karate championships. I was able to give my family the life they deserved, including some very special magic moments.

My brother did the same and ended up with the family and career he wanted. Friends used it to get promotions and advanced their careers.

Our students applied it and saw a wide range of results. From getting in shape, losing weight, and defending themselves from physical attacks. To getting better school grades and having more confidence in everyday activities. And the list goes on.

Achievement & Transformation
Along the way there were many bumps in the road that needed to be overcome. Loved ones dying, breakups, unforeseen financial burdens and career changes.

Though still on the journey I'm blessed with a great life. Family and friends, I love to spend time with. A business I’m passionate about. Working with an amazing team of instructors and dedicated students.

The most important part of the journey is the transformation of who I've become. More confidence in myself and my abilities, but also less focused on myself and more on the tribe I’m serving. So, they too create the safe and successful life they deserve.

In my tribe of friends and clients I call this transformation, becoming a "Budo Hero" (martial arts hero).


Imagine What Life Would Look Like If...

Your Kids Became 'BUDO HEROES'?

A BUDO HERO is a new breed of person…
  • Driven, Resourceful, Courageous, Grateful, Takes Action and Personal Responsibly.
As a BUDO HERO you believe you can…
  • Create the successful life you deserve.
  • ​Grow into the best version of yourself.
  • ​Contribute to make the world a better place.
As a BUDO HERO you are…
  • Inspired to pursue your passion.
  • Empowered to believe in yourself.
  • Forged to be Unstoppable:
  • Physically, so you can protect yourself to live a long, safe, and healthy life.
  • ​Mentally, so you have the mindset and strategies to achieve your dreams.
  • ​Emotionally, so under difficult conditions you're resilient and still succeed.
  • ​Spiritually, so you can be present and appreciate the journey you're on.
As a BUDO HERO you will…
  • Put in the work.
  • Work to improve yourself.
  • ​Take care of yourself first, so you can then take care of others.
Being a BUDO HERO means…
  • Protecting others who can’t protect themselves.
  • Having high standards for yourself and being part of a tribe with high standards.
  • Doing the right thing, not in the absence of fear but in spite of it.
Discover the hero in you! And proudly declare…


Imagine your kids becoming BUDO HEROES. So they get a head start over everyone else in life. Not to mention them being more grateful for you and everything in their life.

But don't just take my word for it...

Take A Look At This

“Since my son joined the martial arts program, his character has grown for the better because of the ongoing encouragement and empowerment provided by Sensei Richard and the other instructors. I highly-recommend this program.”
Mark Jones, PhD
Proud Father & Ecotech International Executive
“Being a busy mom and having a full-time demanding job leaves me very little time for myself. Sensei Richard created a program which helped me reach my goals fast. I feel strong, healthy, and self-confident. It was the best thing I did for myself.”
Katya Hera
Busy Professional Mom
“I wanted to get back in shape after having a baby and the Inner Hero cardio kickboxing class was a perfect fit. Not only did I loose weight, but I'm getting more fit all the time. It helps me manage stress, gain greater mental health, and I've made great friends.”
A.J. Willan
Busy Mom & Kick-Ass Kickboxer

And That's Why We created the....

"Self-Defense Success System"

Online Training Membership

Here's Exactly What You'll Get With The
"Self-Defense Success System" Online Training Membership

Self-Defense Secrets ($2,750 Value)
  • This online training is the shortcut for your kids to learn self-defense skills.
  • For them to become healthier, stronger, more coordinated.
  • Help keep them safe from harm even when you're not there to protect them.
Success Secrets ($2,500 Value)
  • This online training makes it easy to for your kids to learn the mindset, habits and strategies to achieve their goals and dreams.
  • Believe in themselves and their abilities.
  • Not only be ready for the real-world but successful and thrive in it.
Stress-Be-Gone Secrets ($800 Value)
  • These guided sessions make it easy for your kids to learn to eliminate their worse stresses quickly and master their emotions.
  • Be grateful for what they have, yet resilient in difficult situations so they still succeed.​
  • ​Removes tension and fills them up with positive emotions leaving them in an amazing mood.
Total Value: ($6,050 Value)
But today, you're getting all of this...
FOR ONLY: $17.95/month

ACT NOW And You'll Also Get

Pain-Be-Gone Secrets ($800 Value)
  • These guided sessions are key to your kids learning to keep their bodies strong and properly aligned.
  • Reduce pain caused by tight or imbalanced muscles.
  • Continue to perform they activities they love.
*Includes the "Silver Bullet" for lower back pain.
Ability Ladder ($1,200 Value)
  • This teaching framework makes it simple for your kids to quickly increase their ability in any skill from beginner to mastery.
  • Jump into the right lessons at the level that's most appropriate for their current abilities.
  • Learn in the quickest way possible no matter if they're a beginner, advanced or an instructor.
[FIRST 100] Inner Circle Self-Defense (Priceless)
  • This private virtual classes holds the secret to learn rare material usually reserved for the most senior students.
  • ​Train like my black belts and instructors.
  • Achieve a higher level of understanding and ability.
And of course you're fully protected with our...

100% Risk Free

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If The "Self-Defense Success System" Online Training Membership doesn't show you exactly how your kids can be more confident in everyday situations... if it doesn't pave the way for you to keep your kids safe from harm long term... and if it fails to help empower your kids to have safe and successful lives, without you always needing to be there to protect them... then I don't want your money. We'll give it all back - no questions asked - no hard feelings!
This is your chance to make sure...

Your Kids Become Resilient And Face Difficult Situations With Unstoppable Confidence, So They Succeed In The Real World. Without You Always Needing To Be There To Protect Them!

Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…
  • Keep Your Kids Safe From Harm
  • Helps Them Live Happy, Successful, Fulfilling Lives
  • Be More Confident In Everyday Situations
  • ​Be Stronger, More Coordinated And Have Self-defense Skills
  • Be Grateful For What They Have (especially Their Parents)
  • ​Develop Strength Of Character And Mental Toughness
  • ​Be Resilient And Face Difficult Situations With Unstoppable Confidence
  • ​Empowers Them To Have Safe And Successful Lives
  • ​They Do It All Without You Always Needing To Be There To Protect Them
  • ​and Much, MUCH More!

Claim Your Access to 'Self-Defense Success System' Right Now

Here's Everything You Get Today
  • Self-Defense Secrets ($2,750 Value)
  • ​Success Secrets ($2,500 Value)
  • Stress-Be-Gone Secrets ($800 Value)
  • ​Pain-Be-Gone Secrets ($800 Value)
  • ​Ability Ladder ($1,200 Value)
  • [FIRST 100] Inner Circle Self-Defense (Priceless)
Total Value: ($8,050 Value)
But today, you're getting all of this...
FOR ONLY: $17.95/month
Subscribe now and you'll be on your way to accessing the online training membership and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes… and using it to empower your kids to be on the path to creating safe and successful lives they deserve!

Kindest Regards,

Richard Ouellette

P.S. - If you want your kids to build confidence, become healthier and develop strong physical and self-protection skills, and become happier and more grateful... then Self-Defense Success System is definitely for you.

Self-Defense Success System is worth MORE than $8,050. This special price of just $17.95/month is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast!

P.P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you get your kids to experience situations that develop strength of character and make them mentally tougher or not? Probably not!

Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to our kid's safety. Get this online training membership NOW and you too can empower your kids to create safe and successful lives they deserve!

Self-Defense Success System is your key to keep your kids safe from harm, be more confident in everyday situations, experience situations that develop strength of character and make them mentally tougher, and be resilient and face difficult situations with unstoppable confidence, so they succeed in the real world...

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Subscribe now and, "Discover The Hero In You..."
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